The spin-off of the second part of Yuji Terajima's popular baseball manga "Ace of Diamond," "Ace of Ace of Diamond actII," "Ace of Diamond actII Gaiden: Teito vs. Ukumori," began serialization in the combined 4/5 issue of 2025 of "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha), released on December 25th. It depicts the battle between Teito and Ukumori in the East Tokyo Tournament finals to determine the strongest. It will be serialized in a short, intensive series that will run for 10 consecutive weeks.
"Ace of Diamond" began serialization in Weekly Shonen Magazine in 2006. The second part, "Ace of Diamond act II," began serialization in the same magazine in 2015, and the final episode aired in October 2022. The story follows the protagonist, Eijun Sawamura, who enrolls in Seidou High School, a prestigious high school baseball team, and aims to reach the top of the national baseball league with Kazuya Miyuki, Satoru Furuya Haruichi Kominato, and Kominato Haruichi.
The TV anime series has also gained popularity, with the first season airing from October 2013 to March 2015, the second season from April 2015 to March 2016, and "act II" from April 2019 to March 2020. The appearance of a star-studded cast of Eijun Sawamura actors, including Osaka Ryota as Ryota Osaka , Takahiro Sakurai Nobunaga Shimazaki as Kazuya Miyuki , Shimazaki Nobunaga as Furuya Akira, and Natsuki Hanae as Haruichi Kominato , also attracted attention. It has also been announced that a sequel to "act II" will be produced.