The seventh episode of the TV drama series "Wingman" (TV Tokyo and others, Tuesd...
It has been announced that a Blu-ray disc (BD) containing footage of "Animelo Summer ...
The eighth episode of the drama series "Watashi no Takaramono" (Fuji TV, Thursda...
A figure of "Godzilla vs. Evangelion," a collaboration between the movie "G...
It has been announced that Miyata Toshiya of the popular group Kis-My-Ft2 will be appearin...
The second group of artists for the TV Asahi music special "Music Station (M-Ste) SUP...
It has been announced that a collaboration campaign between the anime "Mobile Suit Gu...
A completely new mini-anime called "Minitto! Kaiju No. 8", based on the popular manga by N...
WOWOW's "Invitation to Takarazuka" delivers selected performances from the Takarazuka Revu...
It has been revealed that singer-songwriter Kenshi Yonezu will be performing the opening t...
It has been revealed that Yurina Amami will be appearing as a voice actor in the TV anime ...
A trailer for the film version of "Me & Roboco," an anime based on the popular comedy mang...
It was announced on December 6th that singer and actress Miho Nakayama had passed away. Sh...
The illustration of the special storage box for the Blu-ray Disc (BD) "Macross: Do You Rem...
The 50th episode of the NHK morning drama "Omusubi" (General TV, Monday to Saturday 8:00am...
Fuji TV will broadcast a New Year's special program, "A Private Jet Trip from Jap...
Takumi Saito plays Shinpei, the older brother of Teppei (Kamiki), in the TBS Sunday Theatr...
On December 6, WOWOW released a report on the "Real Chat 2024-25 Season" talk ev...
The eighth episode of the TV drama series "My Treasure" (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 1...
Kanna Hashimoto stars in the NHK morning drama "Omusubi" (General TV, Monday to Saturday, ...