The Gunpla (plastic model) of Wing Gundam Zero EW, which appears in the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz", was released on November 30th as "MGSD Wing Gundam Zero EW" from Bandai Spirits' "MGSD" series. The "MGSD" series is a high-end brand that combines the technology of the "MG" series in the form of SD Gundam, and focuses on mobility, gimmicks, and detailed expression. The price is 4,950 yen. It is the first in the "MGSD" series to have a variable mechanism, and can be in two neo-bird forms: an outer atmospheric mode and an atmospheric mode with the main wings deployed. By deploying the main wings of the wing binder, which combines mobility and beauty, the internal silver parts and clear parts with reflective cuts are exposed. The secondary wings are linked when the upper wings are pulled up, and the lower wings are linked and deployed. By moving the wing binder, the atmospheric entry pose can be reproduced. Each armor part has an expansion gimmick, and in addition to the unit on the side of the head, the silver parts inside the shoulder armor are exposed. The twin buster rifle has a combination gimmick and a gimmick that allows the barrel to extend and retract.