Puniru, played by Yu Shinohara, has covered the hit song "Tomoni" by the band WANIMA as the second part of the cover song project for the TV anime "Puniru is a Cute Slime," which is based on the love comedy by Maeda-kun, currently being serialized on the web manga site "Weekly CoroCoro Comic," a part of Shogakukan's manga magazine "CoroCoro Comic." The MV (music video) for the cover was released on YouTube and has started to be distributed on music distribution services.
In the first part of the cover song project, Puniru covered Ado's hit song "Sho," which also became a hot topic. There are seven cover songs in total, and the "Cute Puniru Song Album" will be released on March 19, 2025.
The work is a manga that depicts the exciting life of the main character, a boy named Kotaro, and the slime Puniru he created. Kotaro is at the mercy of Puniru's free-spirited behavior as she transforms into an incredibly beautiful girl with her shape-shifting body. The series began serialization in March 2022. The anime is currently airing on TV Tokyo every Sunday at 11:45 pm.