Kajiwara Kanagisa, the eldest daughter of Kajiwara Yuta, also known as "Kazisac" from the comedy duo "King Kong," and a model, will appear on "Dancing! Sanma Goten!!" (Nippon TV, Tuesdays at 8 p.m.) on January 14th.
Kanae Nagisa is 15 years old, born on July 31, 2009. She is currently active as a model, and appeared in the NHK drama "Yuki-sanchi no Yonkyodai" (General) in May last year, and the TV Asahi series "Sky Castle" in August.
The theme of the show is "Celebrities who are worried about the new year," and many guests will be making their first appearance. The show will feature the runner-up of the "M-1 Grand Prix 2024" "Batteries," the winner of "THE W 2024" "Niboshiiwashi," sport climbing silver medalist at the Paris Olympics, and San'yutei Oraku, a rakugo performer who will take on the stage name of the seventh generation San'yutei Enraku in February.
During the talk, Kanae Nagisa revealed her own personality, to Sanma's surprise, "You're like your father in that way." During the theme talk, she confessed that she has gained a new respect for her father Yuta since starting her career in showbiz, and that his personality makes her feel anxious. In addition, Akira Ishida of "NON STYLE" lamented that he has been caught up in some trouble because he is close to Yuta, who is in the same year as her.