"Nakai no Mado Revival SP" (Nippon TV), hosted by entertainer Nakai Masahiro, will be broadcast from 10pm on December 27th. The show, which aired for about six and a half years from 2012, ended in March 2019. This time, it will be revived for the first time in about six years.
In the "Revival SP", Tomonori Jinnai, Ryota Yamazato of Nankai Candies, Bakarhythm, Ken Yahagi of Ogiyahagi, Haruna Kondo of Harisenbon, and Rino Sashihara, who were guest MCs during the regular broadcast, will gather together. They will look back on nostalgic scenes and reveal behind-the-scenes stories that they can now tell.
The new guest MC will be Shohei Nagata of Chocolate Planet. He will share behind-the-scenes stories of how he reached a crossroads in his life during the turbulent six years that saw major changes in the entertainment industry.