Ace and Jike of the comedy duo "Batteries," who are also in the spotlight for coming in second at the "M-1 Grand Prix 2024" at the end of last year, appeared on "Good Plays and Strange Plays News Sports! on TVer," which began streaming on TVer on January 27th (streaming until 6:00 pm on February 3rd). After the recording, the two responded to an interview.
Both of them started playing baseball in the first grade of elementary school and are still playing on amateur baseball teams. They belong to the same team and are battery mates in real life. Regarding their appearance on the show, Ace said with a smile, "I'm happy to be able to work on baseball. What's more, I've been watching 'Sports!' since I was a kid, so I was especially happy." Teraka also said with a smile, "I watch 'Sports!' more than M-1, so it was very moving (laughs)."
The two have been getting more and more work since gaining attention at "M-1", but this year they are also looking to get more baseball-related work, saying, "I want to get more and more. I'd like to throw the opening pitch." Ace is a pitcher who can control seven types of pitches, including a fastball with a top speed of 132 km/h, a curveball, slider, forkball, cut ball, sinker, and shoot, and at the opening pitch he said with a cheer, "I'd like to throw a curveball!"
While aiming to play in the national amateur baseball tournament, they are also aiming to be the best in comedy. When asked about their prospects for this year's "M-1", Ace said, "I missed out last year, so I want to win this time, but I know it's not going to be easy. I want to do what I can." Teraka vowed to get revenge, saying, "It's hard to compete once your season is over. I think you have to work hard this year."
"Good Plays and Funny Plays News Sports! on TVer" is a TVe original content that is distributed every Monday from around 6 pm. It distributes the best and funny plays, focusing on weekend sports news.