It has been revealed that the first episode (aired on January 12th) of the drama series "The Hot Spot" (NTV, Sunday 10:30pm), written by Bakarhythm and starring actress Ichikawa Mikako, has exceeded 3.07 million total views on TVer in the 11 days since its release (according to Video Research). The series is also available on Hulu, Netflix and other platforms, ranking first on each platform.
"The Hot Spot" is a local alien human comedy that begins when the protagonist, a single mother named Kiyomi Endo (41), who works at a business hotel in a town at the foot of Mount Fuji, encounters an alien by chance one day.
In the first episode, Kiyomi, who works at a local business hotel and is raising her daughter alone, is rushing home on her bicycle after work one day. She almost gets into a traffic accident, but is saved in the nick of time by an "extraterrestrial lifeform." Unable to contain her "secret," which she absolutely cannot tell anyone about, she tells her childhood friends Hazuki (Suzuki Anne) and Minami (Hiraiwa Kami), and Kiyomi's ordinary life begins to change... and so the story unfolds.