It has been revealed that the theatrical pre-release version of the latest work in the popular anime series "Gundam," "Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX (Zeke Axe)," titled "Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX -Beginning-," recorded a box office income of approximately 599 million yen in the three days since its screening began on January 17. The number of moviegoers was approximately 352,500, making it the top movie attendance ranking (surveyed by Kogyo Tsushinsha) from January 17 to 19, and getting off to a good start.
Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX is also a hot topic as it is the first collaboration between Sunrise, which produced the Gundam series, and Khara, known for the Evangelion series. The TV anime series was broadcast on Nippon TV, and a pre-broadcast version of the film, which reconstructed some episodes, began screening at 426 theaters, including IMAX screenings, on January 17th.
The story is about the protagonist, high school girl Amate Yuzuriha (Machu), who lives a peaceful life in a space colony floating in space, but after meeting a war refugee girl named Nyaan, she becomes embroiled in an illegal mobile suit duel competition, a clan battle... The protagonist's robot, GQuuuuuuX, is a mysterious state-of-the-art mobile suit piloted by Amate Yuzuriha, and participates in the clan battle.
Kazuya Tsurumaki will be the director, Yoji Enokido will be the series composer, and Ikuto Yamashita will be the mechanical designer. Tomoyo Kurosawa will play Amate Yuzuriha, Yui Ishikawa will play Nyaan, a girl who works as an illegal courier, and Shimba Tsuchiya will play Shuuji Ito, a mysterious boy who appears before Machu and Nyaan. Singer-songwriter Kenshi Yonezu will be performing the theme song "Plazma".