A new PV focusing on Oscar, a character in the new animated film " The Rose of Versailles" (directed by Ai Yoshimura , released on January 31st), based on the masterpiece manga by Riyoko Ikeda , has been released on YouTube. Titled "Turbulent Oscar PV," it depicts Oscar 's passionate way of life.
Additional cast members who will play popular supporting roles from the original work have also been announced, including Hirano Aya as Madame de Noailles, Antoinette's tutor, Otsuka Yoshitada as King Louis XV, Saori Hayami as Rosalie, who meets Oscar in the impoverished city of Paris, Yamanoi Jin as Colonel D'Agoult, who becomes Oscar 's adjutant, Akio Otsuka Akio as General Bouillet, Oscar 'Oscar superior officer, Shimamoto Sumi as Madame Jarjayes, and Kensho Ono as Robespierre, one of the central figures of the French Revolution.
To commemorate the release of the animated film, it was also announced that all 40 episodes of the TV anime that aired from 1979 to 1980 will be made available for free on YouTube. They will be released every Friday at 9pm starting from January 17th.
"The Rose of Versailles" is a masterpiece manga by Ikeda that was serialized in "Weekly Margaret" (Shueisha) from 1972 to 1973. It is a beautiful depiction of the love and life of Oscar, a beautiful Oscar who dresses as a man, and Marie Antoinette, an innocent queen who came to France from neighboring Austria during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
The movie will be directed by Yoshimura, known for "Ao Haru Ride" and "Cheer Boys!! ". Hiroyuki Sawano , known for " Attack on Titan ", will be the music producer, and Sawano and KOHTA YAMAMOTO will be in charge of the music. It will be produced by MAPPA, known for " Jujutsu Kaisen" and "Chainsaw Man".
◇Cast (titles omitted)
Oscar François de Jarjayes: Miyuki Sawashiro Aya Hirano Marie Marie Antoinette : Hirano Aya▽Andre Grandier: Toyonaga Toshiyuki▽Hans Axel von Fersen: Kato Kazuki▽Alain de Soissons: Takeuchi Kazuki Kato ▽Florian de Gelodel: Toshiyuki Toyonaga Takuya Eguchi Bernard Châtelet: Irino Miyu▽Louis XVI: Miyu Irino ▽General Jarjayes: Fukushi Ochiai Banjō▽Marron Glacée Mont Blanc: Mayumi Tanaka Aya▽Louis XV: Otsuka Yoshitada▽Rosalie: Saori Hayami ▽Colonel Dagout: Yamanoi Jin▽General Bouillet: Akio Otsuka ▽Madame Jarjayes: Shimamoto Sumi▽Robespierre: Kensho Ono ▽Narration: Kuroki Hitomi