It has been announced that the anime "COJI-COJI", based on the masterpiece manga by Momoko Sakura, will collaborate with the lifestyle brand "studio CLIP". Collaboration items designed by Coji-Coji, Jiro, Guerlain and other friends living in the fairy tale land went on sale on January 9th at the official web store "and ST" and all domestic "studio CLIP" and "daily CLIP" stores.
The lineup includes a "silicon touch light" (4,490 yen) modeled after Coji-Coji's face, a "Yakan-kun style kettle" (3,300 yen), "amulet with famous quote (?) stickers" (4 types in total, 1,290 yen each) featuring popular lines, and smartphone accessories.
To commemorate the collaboration, daily CLIP Hankyu Sanban-gai store (Kita-ku, Osaka) will be holding a photo shoot event with Coji-Coji on January 9th and 10th. studio CLIP's official Instagram will be hosting an Instagram Live introducing the collaboration items from 12:10pm on January 9th. Coji-Coji will appear as a special guest on the Instagram Live. At "studio CLIP CAFE" operated by studio CLIP, a collaboration menu with "Coji-Coji" will be served from January 9th.
"Coji-Coji" was serialized in "You and Me" (Sony Magazines, now out of publication) from 1994 to 1997, and was also published in "Fujisan" (Shinchosha) and "Ribon". The story revolves around an unidentified space child named Coji-Coji, and depicts a nonsensical world woven by a cast of fascinating characters. A TV anime aired from 1997 to 1999.