It has been announced that a special program for the golf-themed original TV anime "Sorairo Utility," titled "TV Anime ' Sorairo Utility' Broadcast Immediately Before It Starts," will premiere on YouTube at 8:00 PM on January 3, 2025. Voice actors Miyu Takagi, Yurina Amami, and Ayasa Goto will appear, and golf talent and ambassador for the series, Haruka Seto, will serve as MC.
"Sorairo Utility" is an original TV anime produced by Yostar Pictures, an animation production company of the game company Yostar. The story is about a girl, Minami Aohaba, who is searching for her own "special something", who encounters golf and aims to become the "protagonist" of golf with her friends.
It will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and other channels from January 3, 2025.