The seventh installment of "Doctor Y: Surgeon Kaji Hideki" (TV Asahi), a spin-off of the popular medical drama series "Doctor X: Surgeon Daimon Michiko" starring Yonekura Ryoko, will be broadcast on November 30th from 9:00 pm to 10:54 pm. Nishida Toshiyuki, who passed away on October 17th at the age of 76, will also make a special appearance, and this will be the last drama that Nishida will appear in. Nishida played the unique character Hiruma Shigekatsu, who is a sly yet lovable character, for 11 years, from the second series of "Doctor X" broadcast in 2013 to the movie "Doctor X: The Movie" which will be released on December 6th, which will be the final work of the series, and livened up the series. He is showing his presence in "Doctor Y" as well. The story begins when surgeon Kaji Hideki (Katsumura) loses a lot of money gambling and squanders the hospital funds that were meant to be delivered to Hiruma, throwing him into debt hell. Kaji is terrified of Hiruma, along with the "Three Brothers of Will" Ebina Kei (Endo Kenichi) and Hara Mamoru (Suzuki Kosuke). And in front of the always nonchalant Kanbara Akira (Kishibe Ittoku), Hiruma's "songs" explode. The key to the story is the complicated parent-child story of Higashimura Ren (Nishihata Daigo), a medical student with a terrible attitude who corners Kaji after he becomes a supervising doctor, and Ren's father, Kusuda Eigo (Oikawa Mitsuhiro), who for some reason has a different surname. In addition, the film also depicts the heartwarming story of Ebina and her daughter, Aya (Miu Tomita), a medical student, and is a heartwarming medical drama that will make you laugh and cry, a stark contrast to previous works that were strongly comedic. The lead actor, Katsumura, also said, "Until now, I have tried to get as far away from the mother ship of 'Doctor X' as possible and not go in the same direction, but this time with 'Doctor Y', I feel like I have gotten a little closer... It has turned out to be a 'very tear-jerking drama'! I think that with the help of all the wonderful guests, 'Y' has gained momentum again." In addition, it will be a "mysterious ending" that was inspired by the idea of the globally hit Indian movie "RRR" (2022), and Katsumura said, "Director Hayato Yamada is in great form again this time! He also directed a confusing ending that is very 'Y'-like. Ryoko Yonekura commented, 'When I saw the last part, the whole story flew away,' so it's a ridiculous ending (laughs)."