A figure of Rukia from the TV anime "BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc," based on the final chapter of Kubo Tite's popular manga "BLEACH," serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), titled "Melty Princess BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc: Palm-sized Rukia" (Megahouse) will be released. The price is 8,800 yen.
This figure is a cute and beautiful three-dimensional representation of Rukia in a fleeting moment of everyday life. The Shihakusou that she always wears as a Gotei corps member has been painted in a vivid color scheme to avoid looking monotonous, and the design is simple yet elegant. Even the fine details of her fingers and toes have been sculpted. The figure is approximately 8.5 cm tall.