The Gundam EX Gunpla (plastic model) "HG 1/144 Gundam EX (Requiem of Revenge)" (Bandai Spirits), which appears in the popular anime "Gundam" series "Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem of Revenge," was released on October 19th. It costs 2,090 yen.
The Gundam EX is a machine whose details are unknown because all development materials were destroyed in the chaos after the war. The Gunpla reproduces the details and shape of the entire body using parts.
Soft parts are used for the ammunition belt connected to the shoulder Gatling. Three beam sabers are equipped on the backpack, and they can be pulled out. The beam rifle can be suspended from the back using joint parts.
The high-density detail on the front and back of the shield is also reproduced. Markings on each part and unit markings can be reproduced using marking stickers.