Actor Ryoko Sakuma will appear on Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi) on January 31 at 1pm. She will talk about the episode when her son Takehiro Hira, an actor who appeared in an American drama, was nominated for an Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actor last year and they attended the awards ceremony together in Los Angeles.
His wife was originally supposed to sit in the seat, but he attended at his son's request, saying, "I want my mother to see me." He was strongly against his son becoming an actor, and he was tired of being compared to his parents no matter what he did, so he studied abroad in the United States for high school and college. He thought he had taken a different path, so he didn't expect the current situation to happen.
Her current enjoyment is playing mahjong once a month with five mommy friends she has known since their children were in kindergarten. They visit each other's houses, bring some food and enjoy a carefree time together as "moms only."