Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:Gundam Deathscythe EW equipped with a Ruset transforms into the original flight form of the GFFMC

「新機動戦記ガンダムW」シリーズのガンダムデスサイズ EWのフィギュア「GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE ガンダムデスサイズ(EW版)/ガンダムデスサイズ(EW版)ルーセット装備」(c)創通・サンライズ
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「新機動戦記ガンダムW」シリーズのガンダムデスサイズ EWのフィギュア「GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE ガンダムデスサイズ(EW版)/ガンダムデスサイズ(EW版)ルーセット装備」(c)創通・サンライズ

It has been announced that the Gundam Deathscythe EW figure with its ruse set, which appears in the anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing," will be released as "GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE Gundam Deathscythe (EW version) / Gundam Deathscythe (EW version) with ruse set" from Bandai Spirits' "GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE (GFFMC)" series. The price is 41,800 yen.

This figure is part of the "GFFMC" series supervised by designer Hajime Katoki, and by replacing parts, you can recreate the Gundam Deathscythe. It can transform into its original flying form. The three buster shields can also be combined. The figure is approximately 18cm tall.

Pre-orders will be accepted from 4pm on January 10th on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for July.

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