The popular manga "Detective Conan" appeared on the 75th NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen Gassen (General TV and others) broadcast on December 31st. A special message and illustration from the author, Gosho Aoyama, who served as guest judge, was also shown.
When Aiko sang "Aishisouai," the theme song for the animated film "Detective Conan: One million dollar guidepost," which was released this year and became a huge hit, she revealed a message and illustration at the end.
Earlier, when Mizumori Kaori sang "Tottori Sand Dunes - Red and White Domino Challenge SP", Conan was hidden inside a domino, and when asked what he thought of it, Aoyama said, "I laughed when Conan appeared."
The 75th NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen will be broadcast on December 31st from 7:20pm to 11:45pm (with some news breaks) under the theme of "Songs for You". The hosts will be Hiroiki Ariyoshi, Kanna Hashimoto, Sari Ito, and NHK announcer Naoko Suzuki.