The eighth episode of the drama series "Watashi no Takaramono" (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 10pm), starring actor Wakana Matsumoto, aired on December 5th. The final episode became a hot topic on social media, with people calling it a "double pandemonium."
◇The following contains spoilers
When Kanzaki Miu (Matsumoto) is called by Mizuki Risa (Sato Honami), she is questioned about Fuyutsuki Ryo (Fukasawa Tatsuya).
"Fuyutsuki never gave up on his promise to be with you, even when he was receiving treatment in Africa, or when he lost contact with you and continued searching for you. And yet you...Fuyutsuki came back alive with the sole desire to see you," Risa said indignantly.
Risa interrupted Miu, who was about to speak, and said, "You hurt Fuyutsuki. You remember doing it, right?"
Meanwhile, Hiroki Kanzaki (Kei Tanaka) also discovers the relationship between Fuyutsuki and Miu. When Hiroki confronts Fuyutsuki, he asks, "Does this sound familiar? Miu Kanzaki."
On social media, comments such as "Pandemonium x Pandemic is hell," "It's so scary that two pandemic scenes are happening at almost the same time," "Double pandemonium... next week is going to be another big one. I can't wait to watch the next episode!" and "Double pandemonium. Something like this doesn't happen very often" were posted.
Since Shiori was not present during the "double pandemonium," comments were made on social media such as, "Please just tell me where Shiori was during the pandemonium," and "Every time Hiroki speaks I can't help but wonder what happened to Shiori."