A figure of "Godzilla vs. Evangelion," a collaboration between the movie "Godzilla" and the anime "Evangelion" series, "Toho Giant Monster Series Kiryu 3 (2002) High Mobility Type Eva Unit Zero Color" (Plex) will be released. The price is 28,600 yen.
The Type 3 Kiryu (2002) High Mobility Type is now in the colors of Evangelion Unit 00. The colors of each part are arranged in an exquisite ratio, centered around Unit 00's base color of golden yellow, to capture the image of Unit 00. Both eyes light up when using the included power unit. Total height is approximately 29 cm.
Reservations are being accepted on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for April 2025.