Fumi Yoshinaga, known for popular manga such as "Ooku" and "What Did You Eat Yesterday?", has started a new series "Talent" in the January 2025 issue of the manga magazine "Cocohana" (Shueisha), released on November 28th. Yoshinaga's ambitious work depicts "what is talent" in the turbulent entertainment world, and will depict more than a quarter century from 2000 to the present in detail. The second episode will be published in the February 2025 issue of the magazine on December 26th, the third episode in the July 2025 issue on May 28th, and from the fourth episode onwards, it will be published every three months. The series begins in June 2000 with a scene in which four new actors are filming a drama. The story unfolds as the senior actresses, director, and producers who are co-starring with the four young people have no doubt that they have a bright future. The editor in charge commented, "It was about 15 years ago that we first approached Yoshinaga-sensei, who has created masterpieces such as "Ooku" and "What Did You Eat Yesterday?", to ask her to write a new work. We had numerous meetings over the years, and research was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are finally able to deliver this latest work to our readers. Yoshinaga-sensei, an artist herself, will confront the light and darkness created by "talent" and create a new, moving drama. We hope you will enjoy it."