Wings for Tomorrow's Tiger:September 11th, Episode 118: Finding out if your partner is engaged to marry you

NHK連続テレビ小説「虎に翼」第118回の一場面 (C)NHK
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NHK連続テレビ小説「虎に翼」第118回の一場面 (C)NHK

The NHK morning drama series "Wings on a Tiger" starring Ito Sari (General TV, Monday to Saturday, 8:00 am and others) aired its 24th week, "Can Three Women Ruin a Family?". In the 118th episode on September 11th...

Tomokazu (Inoue Yuki), who visited the Hoshi family for the first time in a long time, is very dissatisfied with a certain ruling made by the Supreme Court.

Tomokazu finds out that Nodoka (Osaki Maka) has promised to marry her boyfriend, and confides this to Koichi (Okada Masaki) and Torako (Ito). In May 1969, the criminal trial of the students arrested at Yasuda Auditorium begins. The first hearing of the trial of Miiko (Ishibashi Natsumi) takes place, but...

"Wings on a Tiger" is an original story based on the life of Mibuchi Yoshiko (1914-1984), Japan's first female lawyer and later a judge. This legal entertainment depicts the heroine Torako and her friends carving out a path where none existed in difficult times, and rescuing lost children and cornered women.

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