A collaboration visual between the movie "Showtime Seven" (directed by Watanabe Kazutaka, released on February 7th), starring actor Abe Hiroshi, and the idol group "IDOLiSH7" has been released. "IDOLiSH7", known by its nickname "I7", is an idol group that appears in a smartphone game, and is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. This collaboration was made possible by the connection between the movie title and the group's name, "Seven".
The visual depicts IDOLiSH7's Nanase Riku and Nikaido Yamato standing next to Abe's character Orimoto, a newscaster, in the studio of "Showtime 7," a national news program that appears in the film. Nanase and Nikaido are dressed in sharp suits, with yellow, the key color of the film, used as an accent color.
Nanase appealed, "Because of our connection with 'Seven,' I'm happy to be able to come and support Orimoto-san! The 'life-risking live broadcast (showtime)' is full of suspense, so be sure to go see it at the theater!"
Nikaido commented, "I was honored to be asked to work with IDOLiSH7 because of the 'Seven' connection. The video was made with an emphasis on a live feel, and it was a very captivating production. I hope everyone will come and see the 'Live Broadcast (Showtime)' at the theater."
The film is based on the Korean hit "Terror Live" (directed by Kim Byung-woo). A bomb is planted at a TV station, and former newscaster Orimoto is appointed by the criminal to negotiate with him. He faces a dangerous live broadcast where one word can mean life or death.