The fourth episode of the sequel to the popular anime series "Witchy Pretty Cure!", "Witchy Pretty Cure!!! ~MIRAI DAYS~", "The Secret of Hisui", will be broadcast on the late-night anime slot "ANiMAZiNG!!!" on ABC TV and TV Asahi on February 1st. This will be the first sequel to "Witchy Pretty Cure!" in about eight years.
Mirai and Riko decide to thwart Aile's shady plot and protect Hisui once again. However, they don't know where Aile is. The clue is an image Mirai saw of Aile standing in front of a bookshelf wearing an apron. Then, a new request for a "Magical Girl" comes in on SNS. Mirai and the others decide to search for Aile's whereabouts while helping people.
"Witchy Pretty Cure!" aired from February 2016 to January 2017. The catchphrase was "Two time periods (futures) are now connected with the magical words ' Cure Up RaPaPa! '" and the show depicted Cure Miracle/ Mirai Asahina, Cure Magical/ Liko Izayoi, and Cure Felice/ Kotoha Hanami transforming into the "legendary magical" PreCures and doing great things in the magical world and the Nasimahou No Magic Realm (human world).
In the sequel, Mirai is a university student in the No Magic Realm, Riko is a teacher at a magic school, and Kotoha is a person who watches over the world from afar, and they will have to face their past and future. It is also a hot topic that Rie Takahashi, who plays Mirai, Yui Horie, who plays Riko, Saori Hayami , who plays Kotoha, and Ayaka Saito , who plays Mofurun , will be reprising their roles.