Actor Hisahiro Ogura, who turned 70 last year, will appear on Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi), which will be broadcast at 1:00 pm on January 21st. Last year, he was celebrated on stage by his colleagues in the "Super Eccentric Theater" theater company led by Yuji Miyake.
Ogura, who had admired Yuzo Kayama since childhood, became an actor and had the opportunity to co-star in a drama with Kayama. He talks about the time he spent with Kayama, such as listening to him play the guitar in the dressing room, being invited to his home and being treated to his homemade cooking.
In his private life, he has been married to his wife, a former Takarazuka actress, for 31 years. As both he and his wife love animals, they recently welcomed a pet dog into their home. He also talks about their happy married life.