It has been announced that the TV anime "Reincarnated as a Neglected Noble: Raising My Baby Brother With Memories From My Past Life," based on a popular light novel, will begin airing in July. The main cast has also been announced, with Kuno Misaki playing Houchou, the eldest son of the Kikunoi Earl family who has regained memories of his past life, and Mariya Ise playing Regulus, Houchou's younger brother from a different mother.
The work is a light novel written by Yashiro and illustrated by keepout. The story is about Houchou, the 5-year-old eldest son of the Kikunoi Earl family, whose charm point is his "soft and chewy cheeks." He begins to remember his past life as a "boyish man" who loved cooking, sewing, and singing, and challenges himself to manage the territory with his younger brother Regulus. With the help of the skills from his past life, the power of gods, elves, and magic, the young brothers confront the friction within the Kikunoi family and the corruption of the imperial nobility. The light novel has been published by TO Books, and the comic book adaptation is also gaining popularity.
Kuno commented, "I felt that Houchou was such a gentle person, accepting her fate and trying to enjoy each day. Houchou is surrounded by many kind people, including her adorable younger brother Regulus. I hope that I can convey that same heart-warming feeling to everyone. Please look forward to the anime broadcast."
Ise said, "Congratulations on the drama CD being made into an anime! Congratulations! I can't wait to see the Butterfly and Regulus moving! I hope you enjoy the anime as well! Thank you very much for your support!"
Original author Yashiro commented, "Thanks to everyone, Shirohiyo has been made into an anime. Thank you. From the time I heard about the project to now, the universe has been spreading out behind me, and I feel stunned. Is this a dream...? No, but I believe that even among the dreams I can see with my eyes open, I am being shown something wonderful. It is all thanks to the readers who support Shirohiyo and everyone who has been involved in bringing Shirohiyo to the world. From now on, the Kikunoi brothers will be moving in the hands of even more wonderful staff members. I hope that everyone who loves and supports Shirohiyo will enjoy Super Kikunoi Time."
Director Masafumi Sato said, "White Pig Kizoku is like a fairy tale and a fantasy, yet it is also a historical drama. As a director I am constantly being talked about by the many characters that appear. I would like to gently get along with the five-year-old Houchou, who is always worried, has fevers, and has a lot of worries. Regulus is also cute!"
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Masafumi Sato▽Series Composition: Mitsuki Hirota▽Character Design: Tomoko Miyagawa▽Music: Arisa Okehazama▽Animation Production: Studio Comet