The new animated film version of the popular anime series "Nintama Rantaro" titled "Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist" was released on December 20th, and it has been revealed that the cumulative box office revenue, including advance screenings, was approximately 290 million yen. The number of moviegoers was approximately 198,000, and it got off to a good start, ranking 4th in the movie attendance rankings from December 20th to 22nd (according to Kogyo Tsushinsha).
It was also announced that as the second gift for attendees, original illustration cards (2 types in total) will be distributed from December 27th. The illustration cards are drawn by Director Fujimori Masaya, who has been in charge of character design since the first season of the TV anime "Nintama Rantarou," and colored by Niiyama Emiko, who is in charge of character design for this work, and feature Amagi and Kirimaru.
"Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist" is the first animated film of "Nintama Rantaro" in about 13 years since "Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Ninjutsu Academy All Out! No Dan" was released in 2011. It is the first film adaptation of the novel "Novel Failed Ninja Rantaro: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist" based on the original manga "Failed Ninja Rantaro" by Amako Soubei. After facing a duel challenged by Tasogaredoki ninja, Morozumi Sonnamon, Mr. Doi goes missing, and while Mr. Yamada and the sixth graders of the Ninjutsu Academy search for Mr. Doi, a white darkness creeps into the school... This is the story.