The main visual for the NHK drama series "Tokyo Salad Bowl" (General TV, Tuesdays at 10pm), starring actor Nao and Ryuhei Matsuda, which will begin on January 7th, 2025, has recently been released. In the visual, which makes it seem as if Nao has jumped into the drama, she shows off her green, "lettuce-like" hair.
The drama is based on the manga "Tokyo Salad Bowl - International Investigation Case File" by Kuromaru, who is also known for "Kurosagi". The story takes place in Tokyo, where about 700,000 foreign residents live. In this metropolis where different languages, foods, and cultures intersect, the duo of the green-haired international investigation police officer Mari Koda (Nao) and the troubled Chinese interpreter Ryo Yukino (Matsuda) will be a socially conscious entertainment that picks up the lives of those who are about to fall through the cracks of Japanese society.
Idea Oshima, who designed the main visual, said, "Photographer Tarumi Kana took the coolest photos of the main visual (we even created a real neon sign for the logo). Even on the set, the buddy vibe between Koda and Yukino was striking, and they blended in beautifully with the Shinjuku cityscape and diverse people in the background. The scene felt as if it hinted at the connections between what these two different people share and the people they cross paths with in this city, and it has made me even more excited about this drama."
Tarumi Kana, who was in charge of cinematography, commented, "I personally have many foreign friends, and have the opportunity to interact with people from many countries. This work gave me the opportunity to reconsider the various identities and lives that become apparent when you get close to people like Koda Mari, such as those who have immigrated to Japan and those who have been in Japan since birth. I'm really looking forward to the final episode!"
The drama "Tokyo Salad Bowl" will begin airing on NHK General TV from 10pm on January 7, 2025. It will have a total of nine episodes.