The drama "Shiori-chan, Let Me Hear Your Voice" (TV Asahi, excluding some regions), starring former TV Tokyo announcer and talent Mori Kasumi, aired on December 13th, and the dark inner thoughts of the main character Shiori, played by Mori, became a hot topic.
◇The following contains spoilers.
This drama is based on a long-awaited project that Osamu Suzuki, who retired as a scriptwriter and television writer in March this year, had written while he was still active and had been saving for later. The "front story," which appears to be a heartwarming story, was broadcast, followed by the "back story," which uses the same footage and includes the inner thoughts of the protagonist, the cunning woman Shiori. The back story is structured to reveal Shiori's dark true feelings that were not revealed in the front story, and features three short stories with completely opposite endings despite being the same footage.
In the third episode, Takeru Goto of "INI" plays Azuma, the heir of a wealthy family whom Shiori has her eye on, and the story unfolds as they return from a drinking party together. Shiori, who is being harassed by a stalker, is given a ride home by Azuma and they end up drinking together at his house, but a man whom Shiori calls a "stalker" comes to the front door and tries to get into her house, saying, "Shiori! Who's that guy?" However, Shiori doesn't flinch and says, "I don't like you!" as the man leaves, but in the back story, it turns out that the man is actually "Hiro-kun," Shiori's boyfriend with whom she is having trouble.
Shiori played the role of a woman harassed by a stalker so that Azuma would come to her house. Although she was unexpected to see Hiro, she managed to break up with him. At the end, Azuma hugged Shiori warmly and asked, "Can we spend the day together?" However, Shiori, who was already a little put off by Azuma's reaction, harshly retorted in her mind, "What, you're talking like a virgin now. You're hugging me too tightly."
On social media, viewers were quick to comment, saying things like, "Sounds like a virgin speaking lol," "Shiori's so harsh lol," "The intense black scene at the end was too funny lmao," "I laughed when the muscle man (from INI) appeared as the one with the strongest hugging power," and "Goto Taketo was the one who was shown to have the strongest hugging power."