It has been revealed that Yurina Amami will be appearing as a voice actor in the TV anime "Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi," which is based on the popular manga by Aya Hirakawa currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Sunday" (Shogakukan). Amami will play Mikado Ikki, the eldest daughter of the Mikado family.
Ikki is a third-year student in the performing arts department at Saika Academy and a genius in the arts. He is the top male star of the opera company, and his good looks and excellent acting skills make him very popular with female students. He is a perfectionist and has a very high pride, but he also has a childish side. A video announcing the cast, featuring an interview with Amami, was released on YouTube. The cast that will play Mikasa will be announced on February 5, 2025.
The series has been serialized in "Weekly Shonen Sunday" since December 2021. It is a home-love comedy about the three Mikano sisters, who are geniuses in both literature and martial arts, living together with Yu Ayase, an ordinary person who is below average in everything.
The anime will be directed by Yuito Matsubayashi and produced by PAWORKS. Minami Hinata will voice the main character, Yu Ayayo. It will air in 2025.