A trailer for the film version of "Me & Roboco," an anime based on the popular comedy manga by Shuhei Miyazaki currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), has been released on YouTube. It shows Roboco receiving a "premonition" rather than a bad omen, flashy motorbike action, and a scene where darkness appears to envelop the city. At the end, some mysterious characters who are like Roboco but not Roboco themselves also make an appearance. A teaser visual was also released, depicting Roboco with a serious look on his face, with the cryptic copy "Daily life will collapse at its knees."
Shun Matsuo, a member of the comedy duo Chocolate Planet, who voices Roboco, commented on the release of the trailer, "I'm the lead, right? (laughs) I'm surprised and happy to be the lead in a movie version of the Jump anime that I was excited about as a child." Regarding the highlights of the movie version, he said, "Each episode of the TV series was essentially three minutes long, but I think the movie will be more intense and powerful. I might get a fever from the dubbing." He sent a message to fans, saying, "I wonder if I'll be able to walk on something like a red carpet...? I hope you'll come to see me at any events or stage greetings, and I hope you'll meet Roboco at the theater!"
Minami Tsuda, the voice actor for Bond, commented, "I believed it...I believed it! So they're really making a movie!! When I heard the news, I was so happy too. The title, 'Me and Roboco', sounds like a Hollywood movie that's going to make the whole of America cry...it's such a cool way to put it!"
Regarding the teaser trailer, he said, "There are... so many Roboco...?? I'm really curious! I'm also looking forward to the animation style that is unique to the movie version! Roboco has shown many different faces in the anime, so I wonder what kind of face he'll show us this time...!" He also sent a message to fans, saying, "I've been waiting with bated breath...Only Bond can make such loving remarks about Roboco! And Roboco will definitely live up to everyone's expectations. I'm sure you'll collapse to your knees after watching it. Please come to the cinema and feel the power of Roboco on the big screen!"
"Me & Roboco" began serialization in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in July 2020. Set in the year 20XX, when every household has a beautiful maid robot, the story depicts the comical daily life of Roboco, a maid robot with unconventional behavior, and Bond, a kind-hearted boy. The total number of copies of the comics published is about 1.5 million.
The TV anime aired from December 2022 to June 2023. As with the TV anime, Matsuo will play Roboco in the movie, with voice actors Tsuda, Okiayu Ryutaro, Takeuchi Shunsuke, M.A.O, and Hiratsuka Sae appearing. The film will be directed by Daichi Heitarou, known for anime such as "Ojarumaru" and "Sexy Command Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san" and also known as a "master of comedy anime." The film is scheduled for release on April 18, 2025.