The TV anime "Detective Conan" (Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV, Saturday 6pm) is based on the popular manga by Aoyama Gosho, and the episode "Murder at the Ranpo House" is a collaboration between the protagonist Edogawa Conan and the author Edogawa Ranpo. The episode will be broadcast over two weeks on November 16th and 23rd, and a special PV has been released on YouTube. The PV shows Conan overjoyed when he visits the former Edogawa Ranpo House, as well as the Junior Detectives struggling to solve the murder that took place at the Ranpo House.
Edogawa Ranpo is the author after whom Edogawa Conan is named, and the collaboration was decided to commemorate the 130th anniversary of his birth this year. The screenplay for "The Ranpo Mansion Murder Case" will be written by Okura Takahiro, who also wrote the screenplays for the films "Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Five-Pointed Star," "Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter," "Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire," and "Detective Conan: Halloween's Bride."
Conan and the other members of the Detective Boys visit the Ranpo Mansion accompanied by Mr. Kobayashi. The storehouse that Edogawa Ranpo used as a library contains a large number of valuable books, and Conan and the others are very excited. Then Detective Sato and Detective Takagi visit and tell them that a murder has occurred in a nearby park. Furthermore, it seems that the belongings left behind by the victim are related to the storehouse, which is usually closed to the public. This is the story of the modern-day Detective Boys taking on a difficult case...