The seventh episode of the TV anime "Dandadan," based on the popular manga by Tatsuyuki Shinobu currently being serialized on Shueisha's manga app "Shonen Jump+," entitled "Towards a Gentle World," will air on November 14th on MBS/TBS's late-night anime slot "Super Animeism TURBO."
After a fierce battle, Momo and Okarun succeed in separating Acrobatic Sarasa from Aira. However, Aira herself has died after being eaten by a monster. With Aira in such a predicament, Acrobatic Sarasa makes a surprising proposal.
"Dandadan" began serialization on "Shonen Jump+" in April 2021. It depicts Momo, a high school girl from a family of spiritualists, and her classmate Okarun, an occult fanatic, as they confront the mysteries that appear one after another.