The Fuji TV program "History Mystery vs. Psychic Powers: Honnoji Incident and Ryoma's Assassination Mystery Solving SP," hosted by Hitori Gekidan, Koji Higashino, and Reina Yamazaki, will be broadcast on March 27th at 9pm. British psychic Jackie Denison will solve the mysteries of the Honnoji Incident and the assassination of Ryoma Sakamoto.
Jackie has the "psychic ability" to discover what events have happened to the owner and what they are feeling from residual thoughts that are said to remain on objects that the target person normally uses or touches.
During the Honnoji Incident, Jackie visits Saikyo-ji Temple in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, where the graves of the Akechi family are located. Jackie comes face to face with the family graves, reads the lingering thoughts of Akechi Mitsuhide, and is given a special look at a letter written by Mitsuhide that is still preserved at the temple. Jackie then reads the lingering thoughts from tiles that are said to have survived the fire at Honnoji Temple, and presents a shocking theory that leaves even historians speechless.
In a location shoot that delves into the mystery of the assassination of Ryoma Sakamoto, Jackie visits the Kochi Prefectural Museum of History and Folklore. What will Jackie, who is seeing Ryoma's face for the first time, make out of this precious photograph? He will also read the residual thoughts on the sword that is said to have actually been used to assassinate Ryoma, and unravel the mystery of who was behind the assassination.
Gekidan Hitori commented, "I witnessed Jackie's powers with my own eyes again on location this time, and I was once again impressed by how amazing he is. Higashino and Yamazaki still don't seem to fully believe it, but I don't want this program to turn into a dodgy, cheesy psychic show. However, the good thing about this program is that it's also interesting as a historical program. I think Jackie's amazing psychic powers make it even more interesting!"