It has been announced that "Gundam Poteko" (Bandai), a collaboration between the popular anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" and Tohato's popular snack "Poteko", will be released on February 3rd.
This is a dream collaboration between two big brands that colored the same era, "Poteco" which has been on the market since 1973, and "Mobile Suit Gundam" which started airing in 1979. The snacks are black pepper flavored, which is also popular as a snack. An original sticker with a special design is included. On the back of the sticker, there is an explanation of the mobile suit, and a rare metallic sticker is also included.
To commemorate the new release, we are running the "Atari Sticker Guaranteed! Gundam Poteco Special Sticker File Present Campaign" where if you get an Atari sticker, you will receive a special sticker file. This special sticker file is only available for this campaign and can store 48 stickers in one book, like an illustrated book.