A huge action figure of Big Zam from the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" is being released as "ROBOT Spirits <SIDE MS> MA-08 Big Zam ver. ANIME" from Bandai Spirits' "ROBOT Spirits" series, and it has become a hot topic. It is the largest figure in the "ROBOT Spirits" series, standing at about 46 cm in height, and is a high-priced item at 55,000 yen.
◇Even though it is huge, it is still mobile
A mobile armor (MA) for the Principality of Zeon to capture bases. It was the only reinforcement sent by Commander-in-Chief Gihren Zabi in response to Dozle Zabi's request for reinforcements for the defense of Solomon Fortress, but its performance is said to be on par with that of several divisions. It dealt a huge blow to the Earth Federation fleet and task force on its own, leading Earth Federation pilots to call it a "monster." It was originally a prototype for the capture of Jaburo Base, the headquarters of the Earth Federation, and when it was mass-produced, a strategy of descending to Earth was being explored.
The figure is about 46cm tall, so it is a large size, and a large mold was used that has never been used before. I saw it on display at the figure exhibition "TAMASHII NATION 2024" last year, and was surprised by its size.
The molding of each part of the mega particle cannon is reproduced in minute detail, and the panel divisions are designed to match the structure of the unit. Springs are built into the legs, allowing the knees to move and even kneeling poses. Although it is huge, it is an action figure, so it is highly movable, which is a major feature.
◇ "I won't let you do it" Recreating the famous scene
It is equipped with a light-up gimmick that evokes the grudge of Dozle Zabi, and the mega particle cannon also lights up. The top of the head opens, and the two-seat cockpit inside is also reproduced. A figure of Dozle Zabi, known for his famous line "I won't let you do it," is included and can be placed on the top of the fuselage.
By using the included "Tamashii STAGE ACT MECHANICS Support Auxiliary Joint", you can attach the separately sold "Tamashii STAGE ACT MECHANICS" support to the Big Zam. By combining it with the Gundam, Ball, and Core Booster from the "ROBOT Spirits" series, you can recreate the famous scene from the Battle of Solomon.
Reservations are being accepted until 11pm on January 5th on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for May.