The manga "Mobile Suit Gundam Walpurgis Eve," written by Kaito Reiji and illustr...
It has been revealed that Toei Animation's short animated film "Magic Candies" (directed b...
It has been announced that the 97th Academy Awards ceremony, which will be held in Los Ang...
The visuals for "SANKYO presents May'n 20th Anniversary Concert Gratz from MACROS...
The 79th episode of the NHK Asadora drama "Omusubi " starring Kanna Hashimoto wa...
Former TV Tokyo announcer and "Reiwa's Azato Queen" Mori Kasumi's variet...
The "Monday 9" drama " 119 Emergency Call " (Fuji TV, Monday 9pm) star...
The first trailer for "Aharen-san wa Hakarenai Season 2," the second season of the TV anim...
The second episode of the drama series " Madoka26sai,kenshui Yattemasu! " (TBS, ...
On January 24th, Friday Road Show (Nippon TV, Friday 9pm) will broadcast an extended 30 mi...
The first episode of the Sunday Theatre drama " Mikami Sensei " (TBS, Sunday 9pm...
It has been announced that a stage greeting to commemorate the success of the theatrical a...
It has been revealed that the popular anime and game "Pretty Series" new amusement game "H...
The third teaser visual and third promotional video for "Maebashi Witches," a ne...
Actress Anna Yamada recently finished recording the WOWOW documentary program "Profes...
It has been announced that Nagano's popular manga "Chiikawa" will collaborat...
It has been revealed that the first episode (aired on January 12th) of the drama series &q...
Talented actress Minayo Watanabe revealed pictures of her lavish dining table on her offic...
It has been revealed that the creditless ending video for the TV anime "From Bureaucrat to...
The cover art for "BOW AND ARROW," the opening theme song for the TV anime "...