"STRICT-G FRUIT OF THE LOOM Mobile Fighter G Gundam Loungewear," a collaboration between the apparel concept shop "STRICT-G," which is based on the popular anime series "Gundam," and the popular brand "FRUIT OF THE LOOM," will be released.
The set is made of fluffy boa material, has a Ryuha Touhou Fuhai patch on the left chest, and the "FRUIT OF THE LOOM" logo on the cuffs. It comes in two colors, black and gray, and is priced at 9,900 yen each.
Reservations will be accepted from 1:00 pm on January 17th on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for February. The product will also be sold at STRICT-G's Tokyo Odaiba store (Koto-ku, Tokyo), Tokyo Solamachi store (Sumida-ku, Tokyo), NEOPASA Shizuoka (Downbound) store (Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City), and Taga SA (Downbound) store (Taga-cho, Shiga Prefecture) from January 18th.