Kabuki actor Ichikawa Somegoro (19) appeared on Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi) on January 8th, along with Nakamura Hashinosuke (29) and Nakamura Takayuki (25).
The three, who first stepped on stage at a young age, appeared on "Tetsuko's Room" at the time. Footage of the three's appearance was broadcast on the show. When they appeared on the show at the age of 7, Somegoro asked Tetsuko for some candy (which was in Tetsuko's "onion head") and took a bite. When Takanosuke and others saw the footage, they called him "cute," to which Somegoro replied blushing, "I'm embarrassed."
Somegoro was introduced by Hashinosuke as "a cool-looking but passionate man." He said, "I think I have a lot of passion for Kabuki and acting, so I'm really happy that people saw that."
Regarding his private life, he revealed, "I got my driver's license when I turned 18, and I drive my own car to the theater. When I'm driving, I play intense music like rock. I like Michael Jackson, and have been listening to him since elementary school."
When asked by Tetsuko about words that are important to him, Somegoro replied, "My grandfather's (Matsumoto Hakuo) musical, 'Man of La Mancha,' has many words that I keep in mind as an actor and as a person and as I live my life."
"Personally, I think the biggest theme of this work is the strong question: 'Is the right way to live a life chasing only reality? Or is the right way to live a life chasing dreams?' If that's the case, I want to live my life chasing my dreams. Of course, I think it's important to make decisions based on consideration of the reality in front of you, but I want to live my life by setting a dream up and running towards it. I thought about that after watching 'Man of La Mancha' and I think that's something that's very important," he said.