It has been revealed that the movie version of the anime "Me & Roboco ," based on the popular comedy manga by Shuhei Miyazaki currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), will have an original story based on the original "Multiverse and Roboco." In an episode where Roboco from various world battles gather together, it has been revealed that voice actress Mayumi Tanaka will play Roboco from the "orthodox battle world line." This was announced at Jump Festa 2025, which is being held at Makuhari Messe (Mihama-ku, Chiba City).
Tanaka plays Roboco from the "Roboco World Line of the Royal Battle," a film that has made 20 billion yen in box office revenue and travels on a pirate ship in search of the seven kneecaps scattered around the world. In the released PV "Roboco (Roboco World Line of the Royal Battle) Character PV," he appears with a line that sounds just like the main character of a royal battle anime: "Who is the strongest among us?"
Regarding his impression of the movie, Tanaka commented, "I thought it was interesting when I first saw it. I was worried about how to act, but I was told to go all out, so I went all out!" He played Roboco in the "classic battle world line," and said, "I didn't twist anything in particular, I just did it the way I always do." He sent a message saying, "This is a movie that will make you laugh, nothing else. Please laugh!"
"Me & Roboco" began serialization in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in July 2020. Set in the year 20XX, when every household has a beautiful maid robot, the story depicts the comical daily life of Roboco, a maid robot with unconventional behavior, and Bond, a kind-hearted boy. The total number of copies of the comics published is about 1.5 million.
The TV anime aired from December 2022 to June 2023. As with the TV anime, the movie will feature Matsuo Shun of the comedy duo Chocolate Planet as Roboco, with voice actors Tsuda Minami, Ryotaro Okiayu Ryutaro, Takeuchi Shunsuke, M.A.O, and Hiratsuka Sae appearing. The film will be directed by Daichi Heitarou, known for his work on anime series Ojarumaru and Sexy Command Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san, and is known as a "master of comedy anime." The film is scheduled for release on April 18, 2025.