It has been revealed that the TV anime "The Apothecary Diaries," based on the light novel by Natsu Hyuga, which was born from the novel submission site " Shosetsuka ni Naro a The Apothecary Diaries," will collaborate with the "2025 Sapporo Snow Festival." Snow sculptures of Maomao and Jinshi will appear at the HBC Square in Odori 7-chome, Sapporo, Hokkaido, from February 4 to 11, 2025.
It was also announced that there will be a collaboration with the 2025 Nagasaki Lantern Festival, which will be held in Nagasaki from January 29 to February 12, 2025. This is the event's first collaboration with an anime work, and an original visual of Maomao and Jinshi enjoying the festival with lanterns in hand has been released. Collaboration goods featuring the same illustration will be sold at the venue, and character lanterns of Maomao and Jinshi will also be on sale. A collaboration stamp rally will also be held.
The light novel The Apothecary Diaries" is published by Hero Bunko (Imagine Infos), and the comic adaptation is also gaining popularity. The total number of copies of the original series has exceeded 38 million. The story is set in the glamorous harem of a certain continent, where a young poison taster named Maomao and a handsome eunuch Jinshi become embroiled in an incident that takes place in the harem, which is full of conspiracies and rumors.
The first season of the TV anime aired on Nippon Television from October 2023 to March 2024. The second season will air on Nippon Television's anime slot "FRIDAY ANIME NIGHT (Fura-ani)" every Friday starting January 10, 2025. The first episode of the second season will air from 11:40 pm.