It has been announced that actress Mei Nagano will star in the special drama "Haretara Ii ne," a special project to celebrate the 60th anniversary of TV Tokyo's launch, and that the drama will be streamed worldwide on Amazon's video streaming service Prime Video from January 10, 2025.
The film is a touching human drama based on Yoko Fujioka's novel "Haretara Iine" (Kobunsha Bunko). The story follows the protagonist, Takahashi Saho, a modern-day nurse who travels back in time to 1945 during the war and faces difficult situations as an army nurse working at a field hospital. The screenplay is written by Okada Yoshikazu, who has worked on NHK's serial TV drama "Hiyokko," and the director is Fukagawa Hidehiro, who has worked on the film "Kamisama no Karute."
Takahashi Saho, played by Nagano, is a woman who, while working as a nurse in the present day, finds herself transported back in time to the Philippines during wartime. Nagano commented, "The story also had a fantasy element of time travel, which I found fascinating and drew me in. She spends her days in the present, busy with her work as a nurse, when suddenly she travels back in time. Although she is confused by the unfamiliar events, she is influenced by the people around her who fulfill their duties and live patiently, and gradually begins to rethink her own life. I hope you will pay attention to her change of heart and her relationships with the people around her."
Kyoko Yoshine plays Fujiwara Mitsu, an army nurse whom the protagonist meets when he travels back in time; Riku Hagiwara plays Imai Shoichiro, a wounded soldier and private; Noriko Eguchi plays Kanno Fukiko, the head nurse at the field hospital; and Goro Inagaki plays Saji Makoto, a military doctor at the field hospital.
The song used in the drama is "Haretara Ii ne" by DREAMS COME TRUE, which is also the title of the drama.