A date stamp with the motif of Char Aznable from the anime Mobile Suit Gundam, "Char's Exclusive Date Stamp Shachihata Data Name EX" (Sun-Star Stationery) will be released. This is a collaboration product with the seal and stationery manufacturer Shachihata, and costs 5,940 yen.
You can choose from eight different designs for the date stamp, including Char's face, Char's Zaku, Char's Z'Gok, Char's Gelgoog, Zeong, and the emblem of the unit he belongs to, and you can order your favorite characters (up to three characters) on the enclosed postcard to create the stamp. In addition to being used as a confirmation stamp for "family name," it can also be used for various occasions, such as "received," "receipt," "inspection," and "passed," depending on your ideas.
Reservations are being accepted on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for February 2025.