Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2:Kshatriya Repaired joins the battle "Marida" Yuko Kaida narrates new unit's participation PV released

「機動戦士ガンダム バトルオペレーション2」に登場するクシャトリヤ・リペアード(c)創通・サンライズ
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「機動戦士ガンダム バトルオペレーション2」に登場するクシャトリヤ・リペアード(c)創通・サンライズ

The Kshatriya Repaired has been added as a new unit to the PS5 and PS4 game "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" (Bandai Namco Entertainment) of the popular anime series "Gundam". It is a general-purpose unit for both ground and space use, with a COST of 700, and emits the light of its psychoframe.

A promotional video for the new mobile suit, narrated by Yuko Kaida, who voices Marida Cruz in "Mobile Suit Gundam UC", has also been released on YouTube.

The game is currently holding the "Battle Operation Winter Festival 2024," with campaigns including the chance to win the Unicorn Gundam by logging in.

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