The main cast of the TV anime "Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter", based on the light novel from Fantasia Bunko (KADOKAWA), has been announced, with voice actor Yuto Uemura playing the protagonist, Allen, a young man with exceptional magical skills. Sawada Hime will play Tina Howard, the princess of the Howard Duke family who cannot use magic; Moriya Touka will play Ellie Walker, Tina's personal maid; and Hasegawa Ikumi will play Lydia Linster, whom Allen calls his old friend. Uemura commented, "I am very happy to have been chosen to play the role of Allen, who has a gentle atmosphere. I worked part-time as a tutor when I was a student, so I feel a strange connection to playing the role of Allen. I don't know how much of my experience from back then will be useful, but I would like to cherish the atmosphere of Allen, who gently guides and warmly supports the Princess, and have fun playing the role. Please look forward to the broadcast! Thank you for your support!" Sawada said, "Congratulations on the release of the TV anime information! I'm Sawada Hime, and I'll be playing the role of Tina Howard. I'll be carefully portraying Tina's hard-working and ever-changing cuteness. I'm really happy to be able to be involved in this wonderful work with all the wonderful people. Thank you very much." Moriya said, "When I read the original work and auditioned for the role of Ellie, I couldn't help but think that she was so cute, even though she's a reliable person, she's somehow flustered and her expressions change all the time...! I'm really looking forward to the dubbing that's about to start, and I hope I can grow together with the kind-hearted Ellie. I'll play the role with care, so please look forward to it!" Hasegawa said, "Congratulations on the anime adaptation of 'The Princess' Tutor'! I'm happy to be involved as Lidia! Lidia is a girl who is charming because of her strong-willed personality and cuteness when she's in a sweet mood. However, the dubbing has yet to begin, so I'm excited to see what kind of Lidia I'll become through my interactions with my co-stars! Please look forward to it!"
The series is a light novel written by Riku Nanano and illustrated by cura. Set in a world where magical ability determines one's life, the story follows the hidden talent of Tina, a duke's daughter who cannot even use simple magic, but whose talent blossoms thanks to the unconventional teachings of a kind, magic-loving tutor. It also won the grand prize in the alternate world fantasy category of the 3rd Kakuyomu Web Novel Contest. It will air in 2025.
◇Staff (titles omitted) Director: Nagayama Nobuyoshi▽Assistant Director: Ishiguri Kazuya▽Series Composition: Shimizu Megumi▽Character Design: Toyoda Akiko▽Sub-Character Design: Takemoto Sayaka▽Prop Design: Ode Shohei▽Costume Design: Yamada Natsumi▽Art Setting: Nagasawa Junko▽Art Director: Umino Yoshimi▽Color Design: Yamaya Yuka▽Director of Photography: Toyooka Shigenori▽3D Director: Takakura Takeshi▽Editing: Oka Yuji▽Sound Director: Tateishi Yayoi▽Sound Production: Bit Groove Promotion▽Music: Haneoka Kei▽Music Production: King Records▽Animation Production: Studio Brand