The cousin comedy duo "Nasu Nakanishi" appeared on Kuroyanagi Tetsuko's long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi) broadcast on November 29th. They talked about Akiyuki Nasu's cerebral infarction that occurred at the end of last year and the reason why Shigeki Nakanishi is against Nasu's marriage. At the end of last year, Nasu suffered a cerebral infarction while receiving a massage. "It's like I lost my memory from that point," he revealed. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance and underwent surgery. Until then, he had been in good health and hadn't been sick much, so his partner Nakanishi said, "At first, I thought it was a prank for the show." Nasu said, "I still can't speak smoothly," but Nakanishi laughed, "Even when we appear on TV together, I'm the one who stutters. Maybe I should be the one taking a break." While Nasu was recuperating, Nakanishi was going to work alone. He said he was confused at first because they had always appeared together as a duo. He also felt grateful for the difficult work Nakanishi had been doing for him. Nasu returned to work, and although manzai was still difficult, filming resumed. After eight years of dating, Nasu got married in 2022. Nakanishi joked about Nasu's marriage, saying, "I was strongly against it. We had been together since we were kids, so I felt like he had taken her away from me. So I didn't like it. I still want them to break up."