The second lottery for the "Gundam Card Game Limited BOX Ver.β," which allows players to experience the popular new TCG (trading card game) "Gundam Card Game" (Bandai) from the popular anime "Gundam" series, is now open on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, "Premium Bandai." The set includes 16 packs of beta boosters, 56 cards, a storage box, play sheets, damage counter dice, and more, and costs 7,700 yen.
The lottery will be open until November 29th, and the winning results will be announced on the same day. Shipment is scheduled for January 2025.
The "Gundam Card Game" is a competitive card game in which the series' MS (mobile suits) and pilots fight each other, using a deck of 50 cards consisting of unit cards such as MS, pilot cards that pilot the MS, base cards such as battleships, and character command cards. Players can strengthen their units by assigning pilots to them, and aim to win by making full use of link units that are formed in specific combinations. In addition to one-on-one battles, you can also enjoy two-on-two team battles and a battle royale where three or more people fight to determine one winner. The game will be released simultaneously in three languages, Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese, and will be available worldwide. It is scheduled for release in 2025.