A live performance video of the idol group "B Komachi" played by Saito Nagisa, Hara Nanoka, and Ano in the live-action "Oshi no Ko" has been released. The three are seen dancing enthusiastically in front of fans holding glow sticks, dressed in cute costumes.
The song "We are Completely Invincible Idols!!" that the three are performing was written specifically for this work. The lyrics and music were written by up-and-coming Vocaloid producer Fururi, and the song has a pop melody that makes you want to hum along. The song will be available on various music distribution services, including AmazonMusic, from October 19th.
"Oshi no Ko" is based on the manga of the same name that has been serialized in "Weekly Young Jump" (Shueisha) since 2020 and has a total circulation of over 18 million copies (as of August this year). Set in the entertainment industry, the story depicts the twin siblings of the legendary idol Ai. The live-action version is a joint project between Amazon and Toei, with the eight-episode drama being exclusively streamed on Prime Video from 9pm on November 28th, and the film being released nationwide on December 20th.