A figure of Katejina Loos, a popular character from the anime Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, called "Excellent Model RAHDX Series G.A.NEO Katejina Loos" (Megahouse) will be sold by lottery on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site Premium Bandai. The price is 19,800 yen.
The figure was released in June 2011, and the goal was to achieve such a level of perfection that it would make you exclaim, "That's crazy!" (a line from the main character, Uso Evin). Interchangeable parts allow the pilot suit to be torn off, and a knife weapon is included. The figure stands approximately 21cm tall.
Premium Bandai will be accepting entries until 11pm on October 7, with the winners announced on October 8. Shipment is scheduled for October.