Who saw the peacock dance in the jungle?:Synopsis of the final episode released

連続ドラマ「クジャクのダンス、誰が見た?」最終話の一場面 (C)TBSスパークル/TBS
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連続ドラマ「クジャクのダンス、誰が見た?」最終話の一場面 (C)TBSスパークル/TBS

Suzu Hirose stars in the TV drama "Who saw the peacock dance in the jungle?" (TBS, Friday 10pm). The synopsis and stills from the final episode, episode 10, which will air on March 28th, have been released.

Narukawa (Mamiya Hiroyuki) confessed to the series of crimes.

Komugi(Hirose), Matsukaze (Matsuyama Kenichi), and Kamui (Hayato Isomura) follow Akazawa's (Fujimoto Takahiro Fujimoto) GPS to the Hayashikawa house. When they open the door, they find Akazawa, who has been stabbed, and his wife Kyoko (Nishida Naomi) holding a knife... The beginning of Komugi's fate, the full story of the Togayama incident, is revealed.

The fate of Komugi comes to an end, and a miracle of love happens to Komugi and Haruo (Lily Franky).

The original work is the manga of the same name by Asami Rito (Kodansha's "Kiss").

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